Hooks – Shipping Fees Calculator for Geniki Taxydromiki


Additional cost weight periodical point filter.
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/class/class-gtsf-shipping-method.php

 * Additional cost weight periodical point filter.
 * With this hook, you can change the additional_cost_weight_periodical_point,
 * according to the desired zone code and subzone.
 * @since 1.0.3
 * @param float|int $return The additional cost weight periodical point before converted to html.
 * @param string $zone_code. The zone code. Country or zone code.
 * @param string $subzone The subzone. Default empty string.
 * Possible values: _within_city, _land, _island, _inaccessible for GR
 * and _zone1, _zone2 for BG
 * @param object $this The incomplete object of this class.
$return = apply_filters('GTSF_additional_cost_weight_periodical_point', $return, $zone_code, $subzone, $this);
Fixed cost weight point filter.
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/class/class-gtsf-shipping-method.php

 * Fixed cost weight point filter.
 * With this hook, you can change the fixed_cost_weight_point,
 * according to the desired zone code and subzone.
 * @since 1.0.3
 * @param float|int $return The fixed cost weight point before converted to html.
 * @param string $zone_code. The zone code. Country or zone code.
 * @param string $subzone The subzone. Default empty string.
 * Possible values: _within_city, _land, _island, _inaccessible for GR
 * and _zone1, _zone2 for BG
 * @param object $this The incomplete object of this class.
$return = apply_filters('GTSF_fixed_cost_weight_point', $return, $zone_code, $subzone, $this);
Form fields filter.
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/class/class-gtsf-shipping-method.php

 * Form fields filter.
 * With this filter, you can filter the form fields
 * that exists in plugin's setting page.
 * This filter is called after the extra zones' settings have been merged in the form fields.
 * Be careful with this hook. $this->form_fields are used both in frontend and backend.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param array $this->form_fields The form fields. They have the Woocommerce fields structure.
 *                                                 The default fields are the following:
 *                                                 - enabled
 *                                                 - title
 *                                                 - fixed_cost_weight_point
 *                                                 - additional_cost_weight_periodical_point
 *                                                 - GR_enabled
 *                                                 - GR_within_city_areas
 *                                                 - GR_within_city_cost
 *                                                 - GR_within_city_extra_kg_cost
 *                                                 - GR_land_cost
 *                                                 - GR_land_extra_kg_cost
 *                                                 - GR_island_cost
 *                                                 - GR_island_extra_kg_cost
 *                                                 - GR_inaccessible_cost
 *                                                 - GR_inaccessible_extra_kg_cost
 *                                                 - CY_enabled
 *                                                 - CY_cost
 *                                                 - CY_extra_kg_cost
 *                                                 - BG_enabled
 *                                                 - BG_zone1_cost
 *                                                 - BG_zone1_extra_kg_cost
 *                                                 - BG_zone2_cost
 *                                                 - BG_zone2_extra_kg_cost
 *                                                 - RO_enabled
 *                                                 - RO_fixed_cost_weight_point
 *                                                 - RO_additional_cost_weight_periodical_point
 *                                                 - RO_cost
 *                                                 - RO_extra_kg_cost
 * @param object $this The incomplete object of this class.
$this->form_fields = apply_filters('GTSF_form_fields', $this->form_fields, $this);
Free shipping price html filter.
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees.php

 * Free shipping price html filter.
 * With this filter, you can change the 0.00€ html,
 * for example you can use the string "ΔΩΡΕΑΝ".
 * @since 1.0.3
 * @param string $free_shipping_price_html The html of the free shipping price for Geniki Taxydromiki courier.
 * Default is the wc_price(0) html.
$free_shipping_price_html = apply_filters('GTSF_free_shipping_price_html', $free_shipping_price_html);
Include or not the inaccessible areas within city areas.
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/class/class-gtsf-shipping-method.php

 * Include or not the inaccessible areas within city areas.
 * With this filter, the developer has the choice to include the
 * inaccessible areas in the areas that are considered within city.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param bool $inaccessible_included Defines if inaccessible areas included
 *                                    in is_within_city determination.
 * @param object $this The incomplete object of this class.
 * @param string $postcode The destination's postcode.
 * @param string $address The destination's address_1.
 * @param string $city The destination's city.
$inaccessible_included = apply_filters('GTSF_include_inaccessible_areas_within_city', $inaccessible_included, $this, $postcode, $address, $city);
The `is free shipping` filter.
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/class/class-gtsf-shipping-method.php

 * The `is free shipping` filter.
 * With this filter, you can change whether the free shipping will be applied.
 * Default condition is in Greece but not in inaccessible areas.
 * Hooked: GTSF_free_shipping_default_hook
 * TIP: To change the condition, copy the hook, give priority bigger than 10 and alter it
 * @since 2.0.0
 * @param bool $is_free_shipping Is free shipping boolean. Default is false.
 * @param array $package Contains cart's & destination's details.
 * @param object $this The incomplete object of this class.
 * @param float $cost The shipping cost based on weight & destination.
$is_free_shipping = apply_filters('GTSF_is_free_shipping', false, $package, $this, $cost);
Is inaccessible filter.
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/class/class-gtsf-shipping-method.php

 * Is inaccessible filter.
 * With this filter, it can be determined if a destination is inaccessible or not.
 * Only if the filter is not called, the destination is characterized as inaccessible
 * by plugin's default rules.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param bool $is_inaccessible Defines if a destination is inaccessible area.
 * @param object $this The incomplete object of this class.
 * @param string $postcode The destination's postcode.
 * @param string $address The destination's address_1.
 * @param string $city The destination's city.
$is_inaccessible = apply_filters('GTSF_is_inaccessible', $is_inaccessible, $this, $postcode, $address, $city);
TODO Document this hook
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/class/class-gtsf-shipping-method.php

 * TODO Document this hook
return apply_filters('GTSF_is_island', $flag, $this, $postcode, $address, $city);
Is village filter.
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/class/class-gtsf-shipping-method.php

 * Is village filter.
 * Filters the boolean $is_village.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param bool $is_village Defines if a destination is a village.
 * @param object $this The incomplete object of this class.
 * @param string $postcode The destination's postcode.
 * @param string $address The destination's address_1.
 * @param string $city The destination's city.
$is_village = apply_filters('GTSF_is_village', $is_village, $this, $postcode, $address, $city);
Register extra zones filter.
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/class/class-gtsf-shipping-method.php

 * Register extra zones filter.
 * By default, this plugin gives the ability to
 * sends to and set shipping costs only for GR, CY, BG, RO.
 * With this filter, we can register extra country zones or individual countries.
 * @param array $extra_zones {
 *        Extra Zones settings. Default empty array.
 *        @type string|int $key {
 *            Zone key. Key can be anything.
 *            @type string $zone_code Zone code. For countries, use the 2-digit code. Required.
 *            @type string $zone_name Zone name. Is optional only for countries.
 *            @type string $default_countries Default countries. Optional. Default value for extra zone's countries field.
 *            @type string $fixed_cost_weight_point The fixed cost weight point for this zone. Optional.
 *                                                 Default is the global fixed_cost_weight_point setting
 *                                                 $this->settings['fixed_cost_weight_point'].
 *            @type string $additional_cost_weight_periodical_point The additional cost weight periodical point. Optional.
 *                                                                 Default is the global additional_cost_weight_periodical_point setting
 *                                                                 $this->settings['additional_cost_weight_periodical_point'].
 *        }
 *        $extra_zones = array(
 *            array(
 *                'zone_code' => 'TR'
 *                //the zone_name is Turkey
 *                //the fixed_cost_weight_point of TR is the global fixed_cost_weight_point setting
 *                //the additional_cost_weight_periodical_point is the global additional_cost_weight_periodical_point setting
 *            ),
 *            array(
 *                'zone_code' => 'RU',
 *                //the zone_name is Russia
 *                'fixed_cost_weight_point' => 1,
 *                'additional_cost_weight_periodical_point' => 1
 *            ),
 *            array(
 *                // if zone_code is not a country_code, you can fill in the countries of zone in the plugin' settings
 *                'zone_code' => 'Z1',
 *                'zone_name' => 'Zone 1',
 *                'fixed_cost_weight_point' => 0.5,
 *                'additional_cost_weight_periodical_point' => 0.5
 *            ),
 *            array(
 *                // if zone_code is not a country_code, you can fill in the countries of zone in the plugin' settings
 *                'zone_code' => 'Z2',
 *                'zone_name' => 'Zone 2',
 *                'default_countries' => 'GB, FR, TR',
 *                'fixed_cost_weight_point' => 0.5,
 *                'additional_cost_weight_periodical_point' => 0.5
 *            ),
 *            array(
 *                'zone_code' => 'REST', // if zone_code is REST, the rest countries automatically are assigned to this zone
 *                'zone_name' => 'Rest of World',
 *                'fixed_cost_weight_point' => 0.5,
 *                'additional_cost_weight_periodical_point' => 0.5
 *            )
 *        );
 * }
 * add_filter('GTSF_register_extra_zones', function($extra_zones){
 *        //change the $extra_zones as you want. You can copy the $extra_zones array from above
 *        return $extra_zones; // return the array
 * });
 * @param object $this The incomplete object of this class.
 * @since 1.0.0
$extra_zones = apply_filters('GTSF_register_extra_zones', $extra_zones, $this);
Settings filter.
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/class/class-gtsf-shipping-method.php

 * Settings filter.
 * With this filter, you can filter the settings of plugin.
 * If the setting is not set yet, it has the default value of corresponding form field.
 * Be careful with this hook. $this->settings are used both in frontend and backend.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param array $this->settings The settings. The saved values of the form fields.
 *                                          The default list of settings are the following:
 *                                          - enabled
 *                                          - title
 *                                          - fixed_cost_weight_point
 *                                          - additional_cost_weight_periodical_point
 *                                          - GR_enabled
 *                                          - GR_within_city_areas
 *                                          - GR_within_city_cost
 *                                          - GR_within_city_extra_kg_cost
 *                                          - GR_land_cost
 *                                          - GR_land_extra_kg_cost
 *                                          - GR_island_cost
 *                                          - GR_island_extra_kg_cost
 *                                          - GR_inaccessible_cost
 *                                          - GR_inaccessible_extra_kg_cost
 *                                          - CY_enabled
 *                                          - CY_cost
 *                                          - CY_extra_kg_cost
 *                                          - BG_enabled
 *                                          - BG_zone1_cost
 *                                          - BG_zone1_extra_kg_cost
 *                                          - BG_zone2_cost
 *                                          - BG_zone2_extra_kg_cost
 *                                          - RO_enabled
 *                                          - RO_fixed_cost_weight_point
 *                                          - RO_additional_cost_weight_periodical_point
 *                                          - RO_cost
 *                                          - RO_extra_kg_cost
 * @param object $this The incomplete object of this class.
$this->settings = apply_filters('GTSF_settings', $this->settings, $this);
Shipping Cost filter.
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/class/class-gtsf-shipping-method.php

 * Shipping Cost filter.
 * With this filter, it is possible to filter the final cost based on package, cost and other
 * settings of $this object
 * @param float $cost The shipping cost based on weight & destination.
 * @param array $package Contains cart's & destination's details.
 * @param object $this The incomplete object of this class.
$cost = apply_filters('GTSF_shipping_cost', $cost, $package, $this);
Tax status filter.
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/class/class-gtsf-shipping-method.php

 * Tax status filter.
 * With this filter, it is possible to change the tax_status of this
 * shipping method
 * @param string $status Default 'none'. Accepts 'taxable', 'none'.
 * @param object $this The incomplete object of this class.
$this->tax_status = apply_filters('GTSF_tax_status', 'none', $this);
Zone name filter.
file: geniki-taxydromiki-shipping-fees/class/class-gtsf-shipping-method.php

 * Zone name filter.
 * Filters the zone name.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param string $zone_name The zone name.
 * @param string $zone_code The zone code.
 * @param object $this The incomplete object of this class.
$zone_name = apply_filters('GTSF_zone_name', $zone_name, $zone_code, $this);