Shipping Fees Calculator for Elta Courier – Documentation

Setup and Configuration

To set up your store with Shipping Fees Calculator for Elta Courier:

  1. Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Fees Calculator for Elta Courier.
  2. Tick the checkbox to Enable.
  3. Enter Method Title that would be displayed on checkout.
  4. Enter shipping costs for all areas that are enabled (Please for areas that are enabled don’t leave shipping cost fields empty)
  5. Save changes.

Add a new zone to the accepted zones

It is possible to add a shipping zone that there isn’t in plugin’s settings yet.
With filter ELTA_register_extra_zones.

Each 1st level value of the array is an array. Each nested array is an array of the zone or country and its attributes (zone_code, zone_name, fixed_cost_weight_point, additional_cost_weight_periodical_point).


After the store owner sets the plugin settings, the plugin will be able to calculate the shipping fees for customer’s destination shipments.

The plugin’s shipping method doesn’t appear on checkout, until customer fill in the destination country to these that plugin accepts.

If customer fill in an accepted country, the plugin’s shipping method appears in the shipping method list with the shipping cost to this destination.

An autocomplete plugin is recommended to help customer fill in exactly the destination details (address_1, city, postcode)


For shipping countries/zones that are enabled, don’t leave shipping cost fields empty, may cause an error.


Can I change the final shipping cost with code?

Yes, with ELTA_shipping_cost filter.

Is it possible to delete all plugin’s settings upon uninstallation?

Yes, just remove from options table the option with option_name= woocommerce_elta_shipping_fees_settings.

Does this plugin support Cash on Delivery fees calculation?

Not yet. This plugin is a plugin for calculation shipping costs. Cash on Delivery is a payment method, not a shipping method.
But in the future, this feature may be implemented…