
I’m PHP/WordPress Web Developer

I am developing websites and my passion is to write custom wordpress plugins.

WordPress Web Development

Hi There

I undertake Website Development and Ι teach Web Development.
My main goal and priority is to maximize my contribution to the subject assigned to me as well as my personal improvement through it.

Name :

Christos Pechlevanoudis




Expertise Area

The following tools/programming languages are my expertise area.
I love to use them, this is the key to success!


I love WordPress!
I use it as the platform to create websites. Furthermore, I also write custom plugins for it.


WooCommerce is the plugin that I use to create e-shops. I also develop add-on plugins for WooCommerce.


For backend, I use PHP OOP, in order to create WordPress plugins or custom web apps.


I use MySQL when asked, for plugins or for custom web apps.


I love responsive design. But I don’t like very much CSS frameworks, because I prefer to write clean CSS code using media queries.


I know both vanilla JS and jQuery, but I prefer to write vanilla JS because of the code cleanliness!


Featured Work

I have contributed in more than 30 projects and some of them are the following

Techy News

On this blog, I post techy news, news about WordPress, best coding practises and tips for freelancers.